
Apple new patent Watch exposure to accelerate the pace of innovation

Recently, Juniper Research on Tuesday released a report claiming that 2015 Apple Watch shipments accounted for 51.5% of the global market for smart watches all. The study estimates that approximately 17.1 million smart watches were sold in the world, of which Apple Watch device shipments of about 8.8 million. Last November, Canalys also claimed Apple Watch shipments up to 7 million at the time. Market displays, however, Apple invested innovation does not in this generation of products consumers buy it. Crisis in Apple, apparently accelerated the pace of innovation, the recent exposure of a patent on the smart watch.


Apple new patent Watch exposure to accelerate the pace of innovation

It is reported that Apple would patent named “magnetic wristband” is a smart watch strap with magnetic closure function, smart watch when not in use, doubles as a protective case and stand. Just the patent will be able to use the product, we don’t know yet, maybe is the next-generation Apple Watch?

Apple new patent Watch exposure to accelerate the pace of innovation

Apple 14th according to a published patent application, which is working on a smart watch wristband with magnetic closure function, smart watch when not in use, doubles as a protective case and stand. Apples to the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s patent called “magnetic wristband”, similar to magnetic closure straps, leather loop and loop in Milan. However, Apple’s patented variable-shape design is used, 2 bands, 1 for the wrist worn State, another for not wearing the stored state.

They are made of ductile materials, which buried a series of alternating polarity of magnets different folding pattern. For example, a wristband may include more than one magnet, repeating North, North, South, North, North pattern, and the second wrist band buries the magnet placement and article instead, when 2 wristbands near, they can use the magnet form a vertical stack configuration. DKNY iPhone 6 Case

Beyond the watch strap, Apple strap is flexible enough and bends in the opposite direction when not in use, thanks to the attraction of magnetic force protecting the watch itself and watch the disk. Apple says this design protects the sport Apple smart watch with glass cover, save up to hundreds of dollars in maintenance costs for users and, in addition, also protects the watch back fine and fragile optics heart rate sensor.

Apple new patent Watch exposure to accelerate the pace of innovation



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When table when the tablet with the who to iPad

When table when the tablet with the who to iPad

Cross 2 design, as the name suggests, are two things one. Yes, this smart table is named cross2design the table and Tablet design as a whole. Flawless i6 case

Cross2design like KFC’s table for two so big, table legs can be adjusted, either double use, still sitting, or standing, are met. Installing a Board Cross2design the table, water cups, books and other debris.

Flawless i6 case

Cross2design when not in power, you can when it is table. When the power, it becomes a large PAD, cool iPAD too much to use, touch screen large, used to watch movies, play games, read books, surf the Internet, watch the courseware, or for children to watch cartoons, very convenient. Compared to PAD, eye fatigue is greatly reduced. The most important interaction is stronger.


Designer: Dongyup Lee Flawless iPhone 6 case



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Lethal Protection historically low price of $ 24.99, about 150 Yuan, price 250 Yuan, is still pretty good.

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Starbucks iPhone 6 Plus Case

The Almighty Music devices are both headphones and speakers

Audiowear: the Almighty! Both headphones and speakers!

Now mobile electronic devices become mainstream, when you are in products such as mobile phones, PAD, and sometimes need headphones, listening alone. But sometimes you need to have open ears to play with audio equipment. If you take two, really takes up too much space. Love unusual to recommend a product, able to solve the problem.

Cath Kidston iPhone 6+ plus covers

It is called Audiowear, literally meaning is wearable audio. Material surface made of linen, natural environment comfortable. At each end there is a raised, the speaker. Adjust the minimalist flat panel is copper. Quality in Bluetooth, can be connected to the mobile device. When the Audiowear is a Word form, phone or PAD leaned on, Bluetooth connect, audio support frame can be done at the same time. When you want to listen to alone, will break a Audiowear bend, fitting ears to wear, also connect Bluetooth, tune into headphone mode. Audiowear seconds by audio headphones.

Audiowear outer packaging is transparent, base used as a charger. When Audiowear are weak, and was placed in charge of base. Is it easy to be!


Designer: Nytec Inc. and Malgorzata Blanchnicka. Cath Kidston iPhone 6+ plus covers Cath Kidston iPhone 6s plus cases
